Because we love what we are doing and it is an amazing natural high.
Because high tunnels are a keystone to what we are doing. Without the high tunnels, the Kansas climate would have wiped out our crops at least a dozen times in the past 3 years.
Because we grow lots of green plants under lights in our basement, and therefore get our fair share of "high" jokes.
Because "windy hill" and "windy farm" were taken and "gale-force winds farm" just didn't have the poetic ring to it.
And, because we live on one of the highest hilltops in our county. The heating bill is horrible, but the view makes up for it:
I like the name and "gale-force winds farm" really cracked me up....I can relate living at 7100' on the plains of Colorado. I like your blog and your homemade tunnels are an inspiration!