January 31, 2021

Recipe featuring collard greens: Chinese stuffed rolls


This yummy, easy dish got six YUMS out of the Sleichter squad today. John said it was even better than a corn dog, which is about as high of praise as you can get from our boy. 



1 pound pork sausage

2 garlic cloves, minced

5-6 stems cilantro, chopped

1 cup steamed white rice

2 eggs

3 tablespoons soy sauce

1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce

1 teaspoon salt

12 collard green leaves

1/3 cup sweet chili sauce

1. Wash the collard greens. Remove the stems from the end, and pare down the remaining stem on the leaf, to make it easier to bed. 

2. Bring a pan full of water to simmer. Blanch the collard green leaves in the simmering water for 3-5 seconds until dark green and softened. Set aside.

3. In a large bowl, mix together the sausage, egg, rice, garlic, cilantro, soy sauce, salt, and worcestershire sauce. 

4. Taking one collard green at a time, place the leaf on a flat surface. Place approximately 1/3 cup of sausage filling in the middle of each leaf. Fold the leaf over the sausage like an envelope. Place the stuffed leaves seam side down in a 13x9 pain. Repeat with remaining leaves.

5. Pour chili sauce over leaves. 

6. Bake stuffed collard greens in oven for 30 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheits, or until internal temperature reaches 160 degrees. Enjoy!


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