January 24, 2021

CSA session 6 week 5: Baja

 This weeks basket has Radishes, Cilantro, Lettuce, Garlic and either Bok Choy or Eggs.


A fun fact about Radishes- the bitterness of the radish directly correlates to the temperature- so a radish that is grown during the hottest part of the summer is going to be really bitter while one grown in the fall or winter is still going to have some of the radish bitterness but its going to be a lot less bitter. Anyway, here are 15 different fun radish recipes to try out.

We made the Baja radish slaw this week and had it as a side dish on day one, and in wonton chicken tacos on day two. I highly recommend that move — yum! For those of you getting bok choy, you could substitute the Napa cabbage leaves for 2-3 bok choy stems for the same result.


And since we are on a Mexican-theme this week, how about cilantro avocado deviled eggs *with bacon*? Or cilantro hollandaise sauce for a kicked up eggs benedict? Or cilantro avocado dressing to put on the fresh lettuce?

Looking for some Chinese food recipes? Here is a great site with some recipes to enjoy: Bok-Choy-Recipes (therootdownfarm.com)

This week wraps up this session of veggie deliveries, and we thank you for your support. Please reach out and let us know if you would like to sign up for the next five week session. We will be able to do this for five more weeks, but that may be our last session of the season, while we flip our crops and get ready for spring planting.


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