*By Maggie*
So to start a very busy Sunday out, we had church like we do every Sunday. This Sunday was the youth mass so the CYO youth led the service. I was an usher and it was pretty easy. After church the youth group got together and we made posters for the shoe drive. For our trip to NCYC (National Catholic Youth Convention) in November 2021 we're going to be holding a "mildly used" shoe drive until December 18th. The shoes we bring in are going to third world countries and every pair we bring in helps. We also get 40 cents per pound of shoes towards our trip.
We had our monthly 4h meeting (Johns first!) Those meetings are always pretty fun. Since its the start of a new 4h year, we got new club officers. For the past year I was the club president but now I'm going to be the Parliamentarian. (Roberts rules of order is really going to help me out this year)
And after a quick stop at home to change into our work clothes, we got down into the dirt and got to work.
When we arrived at our town garden spot, the first thing I saw was Natalie holding a machete. A terrifying sight if you ask me. However, the machete was only to cut the sweet potato vines and it really came in handy.
Dad pulled out in the tractor with the plow attachment attached. We started out behind him. Mom on one side- and I was on the other. Lainie was following behind us with the tub. The plow was plowing, the wind was cold and the potatoes are (hopefully) sweet.
We spent about an hour or so picking sweet potatoes while Nat and John were picking the squash. We picked about 10 tubs before we ran out. So with mom, we made a trip home to get more tubs to put them in.
That was also when we realized someone needed to pick the cherry tomatoes (yes we STILL have those) for the CSA baskets and since I was home, I elected to do it. With music playing and two jackets on, I got picking. I only had to get 15 baskets but it took a lot longer than I wanted it to last.
While I was picking cherry tomatoes at home, everyone else was in town. They were picking the sweet potatoes and squash and some radishes. Some REALLY big radishes.
After we ate supper Mom went with Lainie and Nat to make the deliveries. Lainie driving is the scariest part of that. Meanwhile I went with Dad and John to pick up the sweet potatoes since the trailer didn't have room for the tubs and the tractor.
In all we picked 19 tubs (at roughly 45 pounds per tub) of sweet potatoes but there's still more out there to pick because we only got the orange ones. There is still 2 rows of purple ones (which are probably my favorite) left in town and then like 6 rows here at the house.
All in all it was a pretty busy day full of Church, 4-H, picking vegetables and yelling at our annoying rooster (named Frank) to hush up.

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